
Recipe Link Index:
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Ground Turkey:
Menu Planning Week By Week:

As I get this blog underway, I think it will be helpful to log my menu planning experiences for at least a few weeks or so. For now I'll post those updates here.

Last week (9/8-9/14)
I struggled with figuring out what meals to plan, and ended up settling on:
Guy Fieri's Chicken Marsala & Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad.

I undercooked the chicken thighs (near the bone), which aren't DH's fave cut of chicken (but are mine). I undercooked the roasted veggies, which were dominated by turnips & parsnips with a lesser amount of carrots, and not a great texture. The latter were a little on the bitter side (even for me, and I like bitter) and needed a little more seasoning. I'm fortunate not to make that many meals that I'd consider a #fail, but that kinda was.

The most frustrating thing about it was that I'd spent way more than usual on that week's groceries. Also, I didn't have palatable/safe leftovers for the first two days of the week (if I don't have leftovers as of Sunday night, I don't really have another chance to cook until Tuesday night). The leftovers I did make were slightly more cooked versions of the same.

It motivated me to make a more concerted effort to come up with some workable ongoing menu planning strategy.

This week (9/15-9/21)
So far (9/15), this week is starting off much better. I was turned onto the book An Everlasting Meal, which gave me an approach to planning and cooking that, once I really have it down won't require so much planning in the long run. It allows for flexibility, making the most of the ingredients you have, smoother transitions from meal to meal.

I spent a much more reasonable amount on groceries and came up with a Sunday night meal (turkey chili) and a make-ahead meal (chicken in a pot). The chili, made in the spirit of the book, involved a good amount of chopping after a long day of errands and not wanting to spend that much time cooking. It came out very good though, and I served it over leftover rice from last Thursday night's meal (baked chicken breasts plus rice and spinach). I haven't tried the chicken in a pot yet, but I'm hopeful. I will post an update as the week goes on.

For Blogroll: Healthy Cheap Eats
(will transfer these raw links to a blogroll soon, promise!)

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